Lenox Hill Hospital is a 652-bed, acute care hospital located on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. A staple in the community for more than 150 years, the hospital has earned a national reputation for outstanding patient care and innovative medical and surgical treatments. The mission of Lenox Hill Hospital is to deliver outstanding healthcare with compassion and respect, to promote wellness in its communities, and to advance the field of medicine through education and research.
The hospital is particularly well known for excellence in internal medicine, cardiovascular disease, orthopaedics, sports medicine, otolaryngology/head and neck surgery and maternal/child health. The hospital is also a recognized leader in public health education and community outreach.
Approximately 45 percent of Lenox Hill Hospital’s patients are from Manhattan. The remaining 55 percent come from Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Long Island, the tri-state area and around the world. Lenox Hill Hospital is committed to providing a high standard of patient care to a socio-economically and ethnically diverse patient population, with multi-lingual translators available 24-hours-a-day.
(212) 434-2000